Our History
The Lutheran Development Service in Liberia (LDS-Liberia) is a semiautonomous non-governmental organization that was established in January 2002. It is the development arm of the Lutheran Church in Liberia charged with the responsibilities to provide development and humanitarian services to God's people in an impartial way. LDS has a clear vision and a clear mandate which continue to guide its operations. It is a transitional organization that took over the activities of the Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service Liberia
Program - LWF/DWS/Liberia
LDS/Liberia has, over the last fifteen years, collaborated with faith and non-faith based development organizations and Government of Liberia on the transformation of lives of rural dwellers disadvantaged by lackk of opportunities. LDS currently operates in Margibi, Bong, Lofa and Nimba Counties. Programmatically, LDS has four (4) thematic areas of focus; agriculture and food, Security, Education, Health and Sanitation; governance through advocacy and disaster response. LDS is focused on quality education for Liberia’s children, good health delivery system in rural communities, and proper sanitation facilities to minimize the spread of diseases and potable drinking water. LDS has responded to the needs of survivors of disasters mainly storm and flood and assisted rural farmers to farm as a business thereby earning incomes from bees keeping, pig raising and crop production using farmer field school (FFS) model. The Photos below depict some of the achievements of LDS. LDS further support women and youth empowerment including access to finance from VSLVA.
LDS vision is sustainable and holistic transformation of the lives of rural inhabitant from poverty to prosperity. Support the fulfillment of basic
Human needs irrespective of religion, tribe, race, origin, beliefs and political affiliation to provide opportunities for rural people to fulfill their basic political affiliation.
Core Values
- Participatory + Partnership Building
- Accountability & Transparency
- Community Ownership & Sustainability
- Justice for all