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CLAP Trains Farmers in Power Tiller Operation and Maintenance.

The community Livelihood Assistance Project (CLAP), recently trained farmers and field officers in Power Tiller Operation and Maintenance in Salayea District, Lofa County. The importance of the training is to help reduce labor costs by minimizing manual labor required for agriculture practices. This can be especially beneficial for larger farms or gardens where manual labor can be costly and time-consuming.

The Lutheran Development Service under the CLAP project is giving each farming group a Power Tiller to enable the farmers to prepare the soil for farming activities like tilling, plowing, weeding, pumping, puddling, leveling, hulling, and ridging their farms. The machine will be used for agricultural operations in dry and wet puddle soil. Meanwhile, the most important function of a power tiller is to prepare an accurate seeded for the crop to be planted & warm the soil before planting by burying its ruminant into it. It also helps in the proper growth of crops by controlling weeds.

In addition, a power tiller is used for cultivation, sowing, weeding, and tillage. It is used with attachments that enhance its sowing machine, spray machine, router, and blood in Sugarcane farming, Rice cultivation, Wheat farming, and Paddy cultivation.

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